Jan 18, 2009

Dino Damage

Miniature Tigers is currently my favorite band... I don't dare to say much about them, since I think I need to learn more from their music first. But, dedicating my precious time to tab their song says a lot about how much I respect them... Lucky Bastards!
The Wolf is by far my favorite on their debut album 'Tell it to The Volcano'. Unluckily, that one is already tabbed, so, not much to do there. Dear, guitarists and guitarists here it is: Dino Damage (check out riffs and fills at link below).

Full Tab at Tabcrawler

Intro, Verse, Chorus, it's all: A - D

You gotta let go when they get that old
You gotta let 'em go
'Cause if you hold on, they'll puncture your lungs
And separate your spine from your skull
You gotta let 'em go

You gotta let go when they get that old
You gotta let 'em go
'Cause if you hold on, they'll bite your fingers off
And tear you limb from limb
It's second nature to them

You gotta let go when they get that old
You gotta let 'em go
'Cause if you hold on, they'll tear your stomach open
And rip your guts out with their teeth
You gotta just release

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